Service providers description 47NORD, a creative agency specializing in scenography and art production, is offering, via LES ATELIERS 47NORD, a 650 m2 shared and collaborative space dedicated to the construction of sets for working with wood and metal using machines (200 m2 of dedicated space) and mobile workbenches (350 m2). Storage facilities, coworking spaces and easy access for heavy goods vehicles. 47NORD's multi-disciplinary team is made up of exhibition and theater set designers, head decorators, etc., specializing in large-scale steel and wood structures.
References (scenography and graphic design) : Belle-Île en mer Tourist Office, Gironde and Pertuis Marine Park, Musée de la Cohue (Vannes), Ostréapolis (Tour-du-Parc), ...

Responsible practices : The company is committed to a responsible approach, using eco-labelled paper, recycled toner, optimized energy and water consumption for its tools and materials, and recycling where possible, etc.47NORD is also a member of CAB56, the Morbihan Wood Cooperative.

Location : Merlevenez, Morbihan

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