Brittany has at its fingertips a professional ecosystem that is unique in France: a pool of authors and creators, experienced and diversified production companies; a structured and federated regional industry; exemplary cooperation between the key players in the film and audiovisual sectors; a dense network of cinemas, dynamic and inventive festivals and a remarkable capacity for mobilisation and collective action.
Founded in 1999 and based in the Lorient, the association, Films En Bretagne, remains a model for the structure of a decentralised industry within the French audiovisual landscape. In fact, the association represents the totality of film and audiovisual professionals based in Brittany: writer-directors, producers, creative collaboration (technical, acting, artistic collaborations) along with cultural players in the sector. In 2019, it could count nearly 250 members, a combination of people and legal entities, amounting to 400 people engaged in different areas of work.
Films en Bretagne has as its vocation, the development of film and audiovisual production in Brittany; the defence of film professionals’ shared interests in Brittany; the promotion of activity in the sector, facilitating and linking up professionals’ collectives and to represent them to the totality of the profession’s partners (local, regional, national and international public authorities and professional organisms).
Throughout the whole year, Films en Bretagne coordinates actitivities that transmit and consolidate knowledge and practices as well as working to play a role in the structuring of a complete, balanced and dynamic industry. This also includes training (initial and continual), writing and development, production and diffusion, the protection and valorisation of film heritage, the defence of high-quality filmmaking and film literacy along with cultural and social actions targeting all parts of the public.
Since 2012, Films en Bretagne is also a centre of professional training, the association is, in particular, implementing a multi-year experimental programme across the territory, “professional audiovisual and film training”. This is territory-wide thanks to the financial support of the Brittany Region.
Numerous associations, festivals and inventive film expressions bring life to the territory of Brittany in their many and unique ways and are supported according to a set of clear and distinct priorities: regional, national and international showcasing, unique artistic and cultural value, a presence in other regions through regular offerings, structuring of the industry, diversificattion of partnerships and the audiences enjoying them.
Bretagne Cinéma continues to be particularly attentive to structures still being developed and those privileging the participation of locals in creating film projects
The Role of Zoom Bretagne
Created in January 2013, Zoom Bretagne’s role has been entrusted to the Cinéphare network of cinemas, with a mission to improve the support for, and the diffusion and knowledge of, film and audiovisual works produced or filmed in Brittany.
For over 10 years, the breton audiovisual project, a groundbreaking set of measures in France – which has gone to on inspire several other regions – is founded on cooperation between main stakeholders, both public and private, in their audiovisual production and diffusion in Brittany, working in partnership with the principle actors within the territorial region’s economic, social, lingusitic and cultural life.
This project takes place within the context of an objectif and means (COM) running till 2022.
Il associates:
- Local TV stations – TVR, Tébéo, Tébésud,
- France Télévisions (through the intermediary of France 3 Bretagne),
- TV-web: Brezhoweb,
- Online media KUB
The fruit of a collective structure, this audiovisual project has as its objectives:
- To reinforce the presence on screens of regional reality in its diverse social, economic, sporting and territorial forms
- to reinforce and develop the presence of the languages of Brittany on screen
- To support and structure the development of the regional audiovisual industry in its artistic, cultural and economic dimensions
- to contribute to the influence of the territory and its key players
- to offer new spaces of expression for citizens, to foster better social cohesion and strengthen local democracy
- To contribute to the promotion of cultural diversity, the recognition of the equal dignity of languages and cultures and exercise of cultural rights by the people of Brittany.
Brittany is characterised by a number of important of cinemas, of which am important number are independent cinema houses considered as “local”, particularly in rural environments. A number of these establishments are often community endeavours and are classified as ‘art houses’ (100 out of 120 in 2018). These cinemas represent essential cogs turning the wheels of cultural diversity (their programming), exchange (hosting events, encounters) and social cohesion between different areas.
The Region and the State (DRAC: Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs) works to boost the structure of cinema networks, in the aim of developing innovation, resource and experience sharing between cinema owners with a view to strengthening the aims and work of each cinema’s activity, and respect for the particular identity of networks such as Cinéphare, CinéMa35, La Règle du Jeu and ACOR.
The Cinémathèque de Bretagne is a major tool regarding the conservation and valorisation of the region’s cultural and film heritage (30,000 film records).
Its key mission is the collection and inventory of audiovisual works made in Brittany or concerning Brittany; the preservation and conversation of all documents, archives and audiovisual material related to film in Brittany that have been given, lent or acquired by it and the valorisation of these works, documents and materials, along with their communication to the public.
Currently, 27000 films and videos have been loaned or donated by 1600 individuals or entities. Around 60% of its collection is made up of amateur films and 40% from professional filmmaking. More than 4000 films are accessible online.
Regional deposit
In the name of conservation and as a result of the funding received from the Région Bretagne, a copy of a film and a complete submission file must be submitted to the Cinémathèque de Bretagne.